4 Little Toasts Sitting in a Hub

4 votes
By Olga | August 19th 2012

Just when I think the kawaii resources of the Internet have been exhausted an AA quality awesomeness pops up from the hidden depths of ThinkGeek.com. It has been a while since any USB drives have been featured on CuteIsCute but today’s post will restore the cute IT gadget balance.


Let us relax our minds, forget the physical, economical and moral complexities of human existence and focus on these four little USB thumb drives shaped like teeny anthropomorphized pieces of toast. And it gets better, for there is a special USB Hub fashioned after a toaster that you can fit them right into. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again (and probably next week too), we have reached the apex of kawaiiness.


Toast USB drive


Toast USB drive



USB 2.0 thumb drives and hub

Thumb drives

Capacity: 4G

Colors: White (Tato), Yellow (Butta), Tan (Ry Ry), and Brown (Crisp)

Size: 1.5" x 1.25" x 0.75"



4 USB 2.0 ports

Speed: Up to 480mbps

Included 1 meter long USB Cable

Included SD Card Reader

Color: Silver

Toaster and toasts are sold separately.

Available here: ThinkGeek.com

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