Bling-y Rainbow Cookie

4 votes
By Coraline | July 3rd 2012

Pimping your cookies is always a hell of a lot of fun and there is something terribly exiting about bright multicolored dough. It has held my fascination ever since I can remember, being a sort of forbidden fruit of the confectionary palette. A rare and decadent treat. Is it just me, or does anyone out there share these sentiment, I wonder.


Anyway my original concept for this post was to share the top 5 most amazing rainbow cookies with you, but I had to realize that in fact rainbow cookies tend to look eerily similar. As a coincidence I'll just stick with picking my favorite which comes from I love how the colors come together (the secret is in the twisting of the dough strips) and the sprinkles make a cute addition.


Rainbow cookies


Go to to get the recipe for these super bling-y rainbow pinwheel cookies.

Available here:

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