Cute Totoro Felt Ring

5 votes
By Olga | June 8th 2012

Well diamonds are still a girl's best friend but these super kawaii felt rings from master of absurdly cute sleeping masks Swee Leng give them a run for their money. Technically I guess we are dealing with different target markets but still, these felt wonders rock. (Lame pun alert. )


Felt Totoro Ring


Love the Totoro one but of course you can never get enough of him. There is also Teemie Toast who promises to have an intense sweetness about her and delivers.  And diving deeper into kawaii regression there is the adorable mini hamster Hammie. Or if you're the adventurous type opt for wearing felt French fries on your fingers. Effortless elegance and timeless beauty all the way.


cute felt rings


cute felt rings

Available here: Swiedebie

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