Halloween Costume Countdown 6
What is it with peacocks this year; everybody seems to be crazy about them, everybody wants to be “Da Peacock”. Well, I’m not one to judge, and actually I admit, peacock costumes have great potential for both kids and adults. You can get creative but at the same time the result can be quite beautiful, which I as a vain vain woman definitely appreciate. To cut a short story even shorter, today I put together a little Halloween peacock costume inspiration for your enjoyment.
I need some reassurance here: peacock plumes are donated by peacocks, right? Stress being on the act of donation.
Curled Double Eyed Peacock Shoe Clips
Exotic Green Peacock Feather Eyelashes
Turquoise Silver Peacock Rhinestone Brooch
I just couldn’t resist to share with you some more peacock finds. These items decorated with our stunning bird are not for a peacock costume but just everyday use. I love them all.
Available here: Links are under each image
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