Matyó Jewelry

6 votes
By Coraline | March 12th 2012

Once again I'm in love! Klara Abaffy is a Hungarian jewelry designer and her "Matyó" collection features some really beautiful pieces that incorporate the traditional Hungarian Matyó embroidery styte with modern appearance to create something delightfully unique.

I'm really enjoying the abundance of traditional motives that have come to decorate many items of clothing or accessories in the last couple of years and Klara's work is another brilliant addition to this trend. A trend by the way that I hope will stay with us for quite a while.

Matyó jewelry

If you are interested in her work and are not exactly in the region ( Hungary ) it is probably best to contact her personally through her site. For now I'll just say ahhhh and add the pendant pictured here to my ever expanding wish list.

Available here: Klara Abaffy

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