Passion for Folk

6 votes
By Coraline | July 17th 2012

It has been a while, since we featured folk art inspired jewelry and accessories here on CuteIsCute, we have been distracted by all the fine Star Wars items out there. An acceptable excuse yet we feel the need to re-broaden our scope a bit. It should come easily for we are heavy biased towards reinterpreted folk art anyway.


Kovacs Flora jewellry


Flóra Kovács has a rare gift for merging traditional motifs - Hungarian in her case- with contemporary execution. Her jewelry and accessories fit perfectly into your daily wardrobe while adding a bit of much sought after whimsicality. I can't help but to love love love her work!


Check out her facebook page for a bunch of her designs or her online shop.


Available here: Kovacs Flora

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