Teddy Angel

5 votes
By Coraline | July 28th 2012

What is it about Teddy bears? No matter how old I am or how cynical life has made me, a sweet little Teddy with close-set beady eyes will always coax an aww from my lips. Granted for now I'm not particularly old or cynical, but one day I will be, and I bet the effect will be the same.


Today I found these extremely cute Teddy bears in the Etsy shop of Ann Bratkova. There are just no words to describe how adorable they are. My personal favorite is Ann's Teddy Angel collection.


Teddy Angel


For all Teddy fans out there, I definitely recommend checking out her store Zverrriki where not only the Teddies but also many patterns are for sale.


Super Cute teddy Bears

Available here: Zverrriki

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