Waifs and Strays

4 votes
By Coraline | June 21st 2012

"I have all these little girls floating around inside me waiting (not patiently) to exist. I paint because I need to but these girls are not for me. Every piece I paint has a soul mate somewhere out in the world. Someone it utterly belongs to. I get a wild elation when they finally meet. That’s why I call them my Waifs and Strays. They are all little orphans that come out of my mind.  I think of myself as a “surrogate painter”."

Interview with Mab on Blythe Ponytail Parades

Few times do I fall instantly in love with the style of an artist, but Mab Graves's super sweet absolutely magical illustrations with their tint of uncanny had me hooked on the spot. Her paintings tell their stories of pop surrealistic enchantment in an absolutely unique and beautiful way. Mab draws her inspiration from fairy tales and traveling circuses, from vintage fabrics and bohemian ideals and constructs a world of her own.


Here are a few of my personal favorites so far, but Mab's well of creativity runs deep and her little girls multiply and populate their worlds of endless wonder.  


Mab Graves Little Girls

Waifs and Strays of Mab Graves


Mab Graves Little Girls

Scarlett Madcat - Girl Wonder - Limited Edition Fine Art Print


Mab Graves Little Girls

Little Miss and Young Master- paper doll pair


Mab Graves Little Girls

Abbi and the Goldfish - Limited Edition Fine Art Print


Check out her fantastic art prints, pendants, paper dolls and many other delightful goodies on Etsy.



Available here: Mab Graves

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