Steampunk Trinkets

4 votes
By Olga | August 11th 2012

Steampunk, the fictional Victorian steam powered past/future is an amour I recently discovered. Steampunk is the aesthetics of futures past, the amazing what could have been, the material of boundless imagination. I just can’t get enough of all the little cogwheels and gears, the goggles and corsets, the dirigibles and submarines.


Looking at steampunk jewelry I can across the ambivalent sounding Trash and Trinkets store to find some amazingly beautiful accessories that I really want to share with you.


Steampunk jewelry

Balloon pendant | Bullet pendant


Steampunk jewelry

Top pendant | Airship Secrets Pendant


Steampunk jewelry

Bird and Balloon pendant | Time for Romance Pendant


Mining Etsy for hand-crafted awesomeness is great but it would be a mistake to limit the search to this wonderful hub. The other day Reka, a talented good friend of mine got into a creative mood and constructed this wonderful steampunk themed pendant and ring. I had no choice but to take immediate action and confiscate them. Wouldn’t you have done the same?


Steampunk jewelry


Available here: Trash And Trinkets

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